Hola, Ciao, Good morning, Kalimera, Merhaba, Marhaba, Pari Louys, and the salute in different languages goes on :) Here comes another fascinating and charming person for my eyes and taste: JOAQUIN CORTES, the Infamous Flamenco dancer. After meeting Ricky in London, the same Lucky year, and exactly on my birthday, I was invited to see Joaquin Cortes' show in Beirut. I had no clue what to expect and whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao, was not only amazed by the guy, but also of how he moves those feet where in a second you forget who you are!!!! That same night why still under the shock of the great show I've attended, whaaaaaaaaaaaaao we go for dinner and he's there with his group of dancers. HEYA, ME being the crazy and bold in approaching anyone in my life, I simply go to him, represent myself with the little Spanish I knew at the time, and whaaaaaaaaaaaaao again, he turns to be the most down to earth of people I have ever met. He hugs me to wish me a happy birthday, then a Spanish kiss, then yaaaaaaaaaaaaah, private flamenco dance just for me for the occassion!!! I was about to faint just by the thought I'm with JOAQUIN CORTES.... he was not only amazing that night, after some hours talking , boooooooom I understand he's Ricky Martin's best friend, and yeah, he says why don't you come and visit me one day when you're in MADRID..... oh my gosssssssssssssh, Are you kidding me???? anyhow, he hands me over his phone number in Madrid :):):) I couldn't believe how many amazing things happened that night.... and the worst was, I didn't have my photo camera with me, as it was forbidden!!! but the memory still sticking in my head.
TWO amazing latino artists I had the chance to meet in person, and I would say, Celebrities are much respectful and sincere, then the ordinary people we meet in life. Couple of years later, I go on vacation to Madrid, and booooooooooom a poster in front of me on the street, telling, a new show by JOAQUIN CORTES... ran to buy the ticket, went to the show, and yapppppppp i ask to see him backstage and insist to me him..... well, as always lucky, I again have the chance.... AND YEAAAAAAAAAH HE REMEMBERED ME AND WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE ME AGAIN. WHAAAAAAAAAAO :)
I'm glad he has a new show now "Calé..... Historias de un gitano" , hope you have the chance to go and see it. Check out the shows at www.joaquincortes.org